早晨 Jou San!
I’m jinsong liu (or sylvester lau), a he/him from Guangzhou, China, currently working as a UX Designer at HSBC. Graduated from MA User Experience Design at University of the Arts London, I worked for 4 year as a product designer in digital transformation of retail, finance and e-learning. Then I turned to make more exploratory projects. With a continuous interest in the human-technology relationship, I aim to become a multidisciplinary designer who appreciates unexpected outcomes and collaboration with diverse people.
Out of work, I also enjoy typography, coffee and rock climbing.
我是刘劲松(sylvester lau),一个来自广州的设计师,目前在读伦敦艺术大学用户体验设计专业。我在零售、金融、在线教育方面有 4 年产品设计经验,也会做一些探索项目,对人与科技的关系有着长期思考和热情,正努力成为一个全栈设计师。
This simple (and buggy) website is hand-crafted by me, built primarily in HTML, JQuery and hosted by Github. Coding, like anything else, could be a design skill. And I like to keep my hands dirty.
本站由 HTML,JQeury 实现,托管于 Github。我相信编程也可以是设计技能。