Refuel 即能



Refuel 即能是一款针对互联网职场新人的知识学习 app。与其他产品推出的视频、音频课程不同,即能主打「卡片式学习」,将时间管理、领导力、用户流程图等技能转化成信息图和互动题目,帮助学习者在上班通勤等场景进行碎片化学习。我从项目开始即加入团队,帮助产品从零到一发展。

2018 / Runwise Co.


UI/UX 设计师


交互设计,信息图,Micro learning





通过持续的用户访谈,我们逐渐描绘出目前的学习习惯,包括寻找合适的课程、学习过程和课后回顾。微学习(Micro learning)的模型与我们的研究结果享福:碎片化学习对初学期更有帮助,而随着技能提高,宏观学习逐渐发挥搭建系统框架的作用。因此我们提出以下洞见:

  1. 条理清晰的内容:目标人群通常在一天疲倦的工作后开始学习,我们应避免概念、过于复杂的学习材料
  2. 以图片代替文字:优秀的文章结合总结性的图片能很好地帮助理解,也是最值得分享的部分
  3. 参与感与互动感:学习者喜爱的文章会结合实际情境进行说明,相比于通篇平铺直叙,适时的提问更能能引起思考

👍🏻 Micro-Learning 的优势

  • 灵活的学习形式匹配现今的互联网工作方式和用户注意力,适合手机端学习
  • 简短的课节可以加速理解,拆解之后的轻量任务更能鼓励用户完成和坚持

👎🏻 Micro-Learning 的劣势

  • 对于一些复杂的或注重细节的话题,碎片化课程很难解释全面,容易造成知识漏洞
  • 微学习不能替代正式学习(传统课程、书籍)的,但运用得当的话可作为有力的补充,尤其是初期入门和知识回顾


首先,我们根据 Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction 建立学习地图,并以线框图形式勾勒出课程的整体结构和每一步的内容策略。学习过程被分为三个部分:课程引入、学习和课后回顾。


我从学习单词的「闪卡」flash card 中汲取灵感,将其正面显示问题、翻转显示答案的心智模型运用到界面设计中。


丰富的互动可以为学习者创造「aha moment 」以加深印象。经过多轮的用户访谈,我们总结出一些最常见和最有用的方法。








插画与信息图起到帮助学员回顾课程的作用。在完成 5 分钟微课后,用户只需阅读一张图就能理解这节课的全部知识,同时也成为最常被保存和分享的页面。


大多数用户声称从未用过这样的在线学习产品,我们的 "5分钟微课程 "结构和互动内容给人留下了全新的印象,在多元化的竞争中脱颖而出。



加入 Refuel 团队是我的一份难忘的经历,也是我的第一份正职工作。我锻炼了多方面的产品设计技能,同时也对终身学习有了新的认识。



Refuel E-learning

UX for Micro-learning

The Problem

The most popular media of fragmentation learning includes articles, videos, audiobooks, and podcasts. Audio content users get attractive by the surroundings regularly and then lose attention to the content. Articles and videos are not interactive and fail to get the users involved. Besides, we would take these as an educative moment instead of formal learning for its lack of systematic process.

2018 / Runwise Co.

My Role

Product Designer


# Interaction Design

# Micro-Learning

# Illustration

The Goal

We aimed to develop better tools and content for fragmentation-learners: courses that are effective for short-time learning, a systematic learning process, and make it fun and easy!

Understanding Micro-learning

We had a few interview with the users and tried to map out their current learning situation. After some research, our team found that this model fits our research results: most of the beginners will use micro learning more often, while some of the senior learners prefer macro learning.


  1. Clear and organized content is preferred.
    Our users start their journey after work and tired, complicated or profound materials are not engaging.
  2. A picture is worth a thousand words.
    Well-written articles include images as an explanation or inclusion. They are the most vital and share-worthy part.
  3. Needs to get involved.
    Users mentioned that article needs to related to the actual situation. Questions and quizzes were also considered useful materials.

👍🏻 Pros of Micro-Learning

  • Faster mobile learning: Bited size content suit the working style and attention span of our users
  • Better understanding and retention: A short, simple micro learning unit can be completed and retained more easily than a more complex one.

👎🏻 Cons of Micro-Learning

  • Not for complex subject: Some highly detailed or complex topic may not be practical to be introduced in a small course.
  • Not a replacement of macro learning: Micro courses are great for an introduction to a topic or for refreshing knowledge. But it still need a macro course to fully understanding the complex subject.

Aligin the Design with Micro-learning

First we create a learning map according to Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction, and wireframe the overall structure of the course with content strategy of each step. The learning process is divided into three parts: Introducing, Learning, and After Class.

Flash card metaphor

Inspired by the popular flash card used to learn new words, I came up with the idea of using the mental model in showing quiz and answers. The question is written on one side, and after tapping the button, the answer would showed on the other side.

Interaction Design

Rich interaction is an important part for creating the “aha moment” for the learners. After serval round of user interview, we concluded some of the most common and useful.

Singular and Multiple Choice

Singular and multiple choice is the basic of quiz, and it can be found everywhere on the courses. With a friendly copywrite, it gains users’ attention between text heavy content.

Dialog Simulator

The best way to present a dialog scenario is... well, to actually present a dialog! Everyone is using instant-messaging apps these days, so why not just create an interface to recall the scenario?

Hot Spot Image

The tiny screen of mobile phone means that it couldn’t hold a large-detailed picture. The hot spot image uses zoom-in and zoom-out motion to indicated a more detailed view. It also allows users to take control of what to read.

Illustration and Infographic

The infographic or illustration in recap part serves as a recall of the content. We hope that after the 5 min micro-course, the learners can fully understanding the knowledge by just looking at this image. It is also very likely that the learners would share or save it themselves.

User Feedback

Most of the users said that they’ve never encountered with anything online course quite like this. Our “5min Micro Course” structure and rich interactive content leave a fresh impression and stand out in the diversified competition.

The interactive course is fun and great for introducing new knowledge for me.

What I Learned

Being part of the Refuel team is a unique experience for me. I praticed product design skills, and also have a great journey exploring how to learn.

Concepts can be better delivered by visualizing.
I faced the challenge of visualizing many types of content is this course. It turned out that not every topic can be transformed into a micro-course, but simply drawing shapes and laying out mindmaps can help people understand the concepts way faster. Thinking out loud is powerful.

Learning how to learn.
I was introduced to the concept of micro and marco learning during this project. It change my mind of understanding the learning behaviour later. Just like any other skills, understanding how it works makes you improve faster.